Liberate Public Schools
from Government by Lawsuit  /  Phase Five
Upon Reconsideration
Court Grants Motion
to Terminate Jurisdiction
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They then replied to my complaint to the lack of finality in their proposed final order as “specious.” These last minute statements deprived me of the right to reply formally. I felt a motion to strike would be out of tune with the tenor of the case Court and counsel had maintained for the last sixteen years. So I would respond as best I could according to the decorum of the hearing, in preparation for an unfavorable decision.

As I sat in my home office preparing an oral argument, gone was the euphoria I felt last December 15th, accompanied by congratulations of supporters and the hugs of two “disgruntled” parents. Phase Six





Carlin Carlin v. Board of Education, San Diego Unified School District,
San Diego Superior Court No. 303800 (1967-1998)
San Diego, California
  Liberate: Phase 5, pages 69 - 79 — Previous Next

Liberate Public Schools
from Government by Lawsuit

A Long Pro Bono Struggle
Against Racially Balancing Public School Students
in a Thirty-Year Lawsuit
by Elmer Enstrom, Jr.
A chronological presentation of the 30-year Carlin affirmative action lawsuit:
a legal battle to reassert the "separation of powers" concept
of a republican form of government embodied in our Constitution.
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