Liberate Public Schools |
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Introduction: Anatomy of Carlin v. Board of Education |
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July 26, 1996 | Carlin | |||||||||||||||||||
Hearing held in which a Final Order is determined along the lines submitted by the Board and Carlin class, to continue court jurisdiction without providing for discharge of the writ of mandate. |
August 21, 1996 | Carlin | |||||||||||||||||||
Final Order Terminating Court Jurisdiction continuing court jurisdiction until at least January 1, 2000, filed. (A petition by the Groundswell Intervenors and Interested Persons to the Court of Appeal for extraordinary relief from this order extending jurisdiction such a length without providing for discharge of the mandate was denied [remedy lay in appeal]. Their petition for review to the California Supreme Court was denied.) |
November 5, 1996 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The electorate adopted the California Civil Rights Initiative (Proposition 209), which was upheld on April 8, 1997. Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson, 110 F.3d 1431 (9th Cir. 1997); reversed Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson, 946 F.Supp. 1480 (N.D.Cal. 1996). |
August 21, 1997 | ||||||||||||||||||||
The Ninth Circuit denied Coalition's request for a rehearing and/ or rehearing en banc; and on August 26, 1997 denied Coalition's request for a stay of issuance pending the filing and determination of a Petition for Certiorari with the United States Supreme Court. |
August 22,1997 | Carlin | |||||||||||||||||||
Upon a fourth motion by Groundswell, Court modified Final Order Terminating Court Jurisdiction to provide in an order filed September 5, 1997 for termination of Court jurisdiction on July 1, 1998 if Supreme Court had upheld Proposition 209 by then. |
August 28, 1997 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Proposition 209 took effect in California.
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Carlin | Carlin v. Board of Education, San Diego Unified School District, San Diego Superior Court No. 303800 (1967-1998) San Diego, California |
Coalition |
Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson, 946 F.Supp. 1480 (N.D.Cal. 1996) |
Coalition |
Coalition for Economic Equity v. Wilson, 110 F.3d 1431 (9th Cir. 1997) |
Carlin | Board of Education v. Superior Court, 61 Cal.App.4th 411 (Feb.1998) [conclusion of Carlin v. Board of Education] San Diego, California |
— Liberate: Anatomy, pages xi - xvi — |
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